Thursday, September 23, 2010

Mayhem at the Museum.

These are some photo's of our dance at the regent.

Magic show story

This is my magic show story that I wrote.
I think it is quit intersesting.
Next time I will use more adjectives.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Visual Language Sample

This is my Visual Language sample for term 3.
I choose this because I think I did kinda good writing in it.

My P.I for term 3.

I feel proud of myself for my term 3 P.I

School Wide Monitoring:Basic Facts.

Recently we have done our second tests for basic facts.
These are my results:
Addition: Febuary 68 September 92.
Subtraction: Febuary 92 September 100
Multipication: Febuary 82 September 98
Division: Febuary 50 September 98.
I feel proud of myself.

School Wide Monitoring:Peters Spelling Test

Recently we have done our second spelling test.
In Febuary I was spelling at 12.3 age.
Now I am spelling at 13 age.
I feel proud that I have gone up 7 months.