It was anouther normal day at schoool. We were in the middle of a maths test when I came to this really,really hard question. I kept trying to figure it out but it just didn't come to me. I looked over at Paige. Paige is one of my best friends. She has short brown silkey hair, and sparkling hazel eyes. Paige likes netball, maths and dancing. She didn't look back at me, so I decided to look down at Payton and see what she was doing. Payton is one of my best friends too and has short dark brown hair and dark eyes. Payton likes netball, touch rugby and rippa rugby. She didn't look back at me either. I looked back down at the question once more. "What is 93 + 138?" I thought. But just then I had this great idea. It was to sneak my calculator out of my pencil case, put in the answer and there would be the answer. "Surely no one would see." I thought. So I carefully unzipped my pencil case, quietly got out my calculator and put it down by my legs so no one would see it. I looked up to make sure no one was watching. The coast was clear. I carefully typed in the question. 93 + 138 =. And suddenly "BBAANNGG!!!"...................
The calculator made this huge noise. "I wonder if anyone else herd the noise?" I thought. I had a little look around. But no, every one was still doing their maths test. "I must of just imaginied it" I thought. But then I felt something growing in my hand. So I looked down to see what it was. I couldn"t believe my eyes. The calculator was growing! It was getting bigger and bigger and BIGGGER. I tried stopping it. I tried pressing all the buttons but it didn't work. But just then I thought that if I pressed 93 + 138 again it might reverse everything. "But then it might start growing even faster." I thought to myself. But I just had to take the risk. So I started to type it in praying that it would work. "93 +138 =" I typed it in. Then it stopped growing and started to shrink back to its normal size. "Hurray, Hurray! It worked!!" I said to myself. I slipped the calculator back in my pencil case and carried on with the test. But the bad thing was that I didn't get the answer to my question, never mind. "Now that wasn't a normal day at school." I giggled to myself.